
Cedar Park Tourism also provides sponsorships and hotel occupancy tax fund grants that contribute to our marketing efforts.  Sponsorships are reserved for Cedar Park attractions that provide year-round contributions to tourism or for singular multi-day events that produce not only significant room nights, but that have extensive media and marketing coverage.  Hotel Occupancy Tax Fund Grants are used for events that meet strict eligibility requirements that have the potential to grow into a sustainable annual event and provide significant room nights.  They have very specific criteria that must be met prior to even being considered (eligibility criteria can be viewed here).  For both sponsorships and hotel occupancy tax fund grants the city requires a signed agreement.  The agreement lays out the specific deliverables required in order to receive funding.  These deliverables include not only proven room night documentation, but also marketing requirements. 

Examples of marketing deliverables from existing agreements include: 

  • Visit Cedar Park Texas advertisements provided by the City shall appear in a quarterly E-Blast.


  • The Company shall display and distribute Visit Cedar Park Texas brochures and materials in their lobby.


  • Furnish four (4) tickets to each game to Visit Cedar Park Texas staff to use for promotional purposes.  


  • Name Visit Cedar Park Texas as a sponsor in all printed, digital, and physical marketing materials and items that detail sponsors.


  • Name Visit Cedar Park Texas as a sponsor in all radio and television advertisements.